Hilton Head, June 2014

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Chuckie’s first trip to the coast was when she was 6 weeks old. I distinctly remember the way she furrowed her brow and squinted her eyes as she concentrated on the feeling of the breeze on her face and the sound of the waves in her ears. I would sit and watch her as she seemed to work at capturing all of the ocean into her tiny, still body like a little sea shell. It was that memory that fueled my excitement to see her experience the coast again this time as a toddler. The sand, the wind, the water, the sound of crashing waves, the ultimate sensory experience for a young child. To add to the delight, we brought our summer bubble obsession with us. I can’t stop being amazed by bubbles.

We were lucky to spend the extended weekend with some friends who have a daughter nearly the same age. The same friends we were with when Chuckie was a baby. I hope it becomes a tradition.

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